Payment Methods
- Cash on delivery: upon receipt of the parcel by the carrier.
- Deposit / transfer to a bank account Check at the transport agency or by sending to us before sending the order
- Payment through bank Partner Banks: EFG EUROBANK - ALPHA BANK - NATIONAL BANK - PIRAEUS
ALPHA 351002002011286 GR2701403510351002002011286
NATIONAL 162/00711709 GR3301101620000016200711709
ΠΕΙΡΑΙΩΣ 5065112816081 GR9701720650005065112816081
EUROBANK 0026.0639.11.0200092949 GR1602606390000110200092949
and send us the copy of the bank payment order by fax to 2103476480, indicating your order number so that the identification can be done easily and quickly. Upon receipt of the copy of the bank payment order, we process your order.
Important: Documents (Sales Invoice) worth more than € 500 and up to € 2,999.99 can also be paid in Cash, but are NOT deductible from expenses. For any questions please contact us